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Why Choose
Hunter Simulation?

Proven Track Record

HSL has been in business since 2014 providing simulation expertise to major businesses in the simulation industry. Clients have included, Lockheed Martin, Boeing Defense, Stirling Dynamics, L-3 Link UK, TRU Simulation and Training, Rheinmetall, Collins Aerospace and AVION with Engineers working at various locations in Europe, North and South America, the Middle East and the Far East. HSL currently has approx. 10 Employees including Back Office staff and a network of Subcontractors all of whom have at least 20 years experience in Simulation.

Cost Effective

HSL Engineers provided are very experienced and most are known personally to Chris Hunter from his time as their Chief Engineer or Head of Engineering when these were the people everybody wanted on their projects, made even more effective working as a team supported by an experienced senior manager as Chris Hunter personally stays involved to assist as much or as little as required in direction and execution of project tasks. Engineers are at the upper end of rates but “worth at least 2-3 of most other engineers” according to our clients.

Targeted and Time Bounded Help

We believe that a Subcontractor should be employed to assist with a specific and time bound task. Our task is to deliver and then leave, not create a dependent customer. Hence we will work with you and mentor your staff whilst delivering our work so that you get not only a professionally developed solution but an enhanced capability to your workforce enabling you to fully utilise what we have delivered.

Vastly Experienced staff

We were once sat in a client review meeting when our senior sponsor in the client organisation pointed out to his staff that the 7 people in the room from HSL had over 200 years experience in Flight Simulation between them and encouraged his team to take every opportunity to make the most of that experience. There is nothing in Flight Simulation that we haven't either worked on or that we know someone who has worked on it who we can bring in or direct you to.

Track Record of Success

Every single project that we have worked on has been a success. We have never missed a deadline and have often out performed our client expectation. The corollary to this is that we will not give you unrealistic performance estimates and if we think a task, as defined, cannot be done in the time available we will work with you to determine what is actually needed and define the best possible delivery plan as quickly as possible with risks and opportunities defined.

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